Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good Rule For Stocks Investing

Hi Welcome to my new post
This post is on Stock marketing
Here i am mentioning

Good Rule For Stocks Investing

Warren Buffett’s fortune is enough to stupefy anyone. Starting from scratch, he has amassed a fortune of billions and billions of dollars. And the most amazing part of that feat is not even that – it is the fact that he has achieved so much wealth in his lifetime purely by investing in the stocks and bonds of companies.

As he has mentioned a number of times, he credits much of the framework with which he invests to Benjamin Graham, his mentor and teacher from whom he learned how to invest. Thus, it should be of immense interest to anyone who wants to invest wisely, to hear what Graham has to say on the subject of the maximum price one should pay for buying a stock. After all, this is a perennial question that comes to the mind of investors – What is the right price to pay?

For the purchase of a stock to be successful, every investor relies on future earnings of the company and not its past earnings. But at the same time, Graham was of the firm opinion that when evaluating a stock and its future earnings, one can be conservative only by basing this opinion on company’s actual performance over a period of time in the past. Thus, in most cases, the investment (and not speculative) value of stock can be arrived at by taking into consideration the company’s average earnings over a period of five to ten years.

The company’s profit in the most recent year may be taken as the base for arriving at the value in some cases, but only if it meets the following criteria –

(1) general business conditions in that year were not exceptionally good

(2) the company has shown an upward trend of earnings for some years past

(3) the investor’s study of the industry gives him confidence in its continued growth

And only in the extremely rare and exceptional case should one rely on the assumption of a company achieving higher earnings in the future while calculating the price one pays. Higher future earnings should be taken into consideration only if it is a 100% sure thing, which is very rarely the case.

The above was a discussion of Graham’s suggestion of which earnings should one take as the base when valuing a company by using a P/E ratio. Now for the second part – what would be the right multiple one should give those earnings to arrive at the price one should pay for the stock?

A conservative investor may rightfully give a very attractive company a higher multiple. This may be a company whose latest earnings are above its past average, which has extremely promising future prospects, or has an inherently stable earnings power. However, at the very heart of Graham’s argument was his opinion that there must always, in every case, be some upper limit of this multiple that is assigned to the stock in order to stay conservative in one’s valuation. He suggested that about 20 times average earnings is the highest price that can be paid buying a stock from an investment perspective. While this is the maximum one should pay for a company considered to have very good prospects, about 12 or 12.5 times average earnings would be suitable for the typical company with average prospects. This is because investment, as opposed to speculation, necessarily requires demonstrated value, which can be verified only by way of average earning power in the past. A P/E multiple of 20 in effect means an earnings yield of 5% (1 divided by 20).

It would indeed be very hard to conservatively justify average earnings of less than 5% of the market price of a stock without betting your money on an increase in earnings of the company in the future. Thus, according to Graham, a price to earnings ratio of higher than 20 times average earnings cannot by any means provide the margin of safety that an investor should have. It might be accepted by an investor in expectation that future earnings will be larger than in the past. But such a basis of valuation would then have to be termed “speculative”. That is because speculation derives its basis and justification from potential developments that differ from past performance.

By the above thumb rule of not paying more than 20 times average earnings, Graham did not imply that it would be mistake to do so. He suggested instead that such a price would be speculative. Further, it should also be noted that such a purchase can easily turn out to be highly profitable, but in that case it will have proved to be a merely fortunate speculation. And very few people are consistently fortunate in their speculation.

Hence people who habitually purchase stocks at more than about 20 times their average earnings “are likely to lose considerable money in the long run” according to Graham. This is all the more likely because if such a mechanical check were not enforced, investors have the tendency to time and again give in to the temptation and lure of bull markets, which always find some or the other deceptively pleasing argument to justify paying extravagant prices for stocks.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Foriegn Bridegroom??? - Be care full

Hi friends Once again welcome

All of us seeing that searching for bridegroom in foreign(states) is common thing. and parents are looking for a bridegroom from Foreign especially from USA.
But we need to be careful when choosing a bridegroom from States. Because now a days all we are seeing in TV's about foreign bridegroom frauds . We are sending our daughter with other guy to unknown place which is 1000's Km from our place. So we need to be careful.

In this case we should collect more information about him as much as possible.
Those details are
Passport :
This is must and should . We need to have a look at this.There will be his address. We need to confirm his specified address in the passport . Because we are seeing fake passports also. So we need to confirm his passport address.

Social Security Number :
This is a security number given by foreign government to every one. We should collect this and verify this by our relatives in that country.If we pass this number to our relatives ,they can check that number and details whether those details are real or fake.

Job details:
We should collect his job details like company name,address,Id given by that company, Post in that company,How long he has been working in that company. We can have a look at that company if we have those details.

His family background :
We should collect all his family details , and we should ask about them in their city or village . like how is that family will be, what are their character.

If we take above precautions when selecting foreign bride groom our daughters life will be very happy

Friday, September 25, 2009

Optical fiber communication advantages

Today i cam e with a little bit old communication technology.

Now a days Wireless communication became popular .Because there is one important advantage i.e no need of wires.

But before this technology We have one communication technology which is easier to perform and cheap to establish. That is none other than OPTICAL COMMUNICATION.
In This communication main element is Glass(optics) which is known as fiber .This is very thin as much as our hair and very chep because glass is made up of silica ( sand).

In the present time, we have ultra low loss fibers(0.001 dB/Km) so that the optical signals can be transmitted through the fiber over a very long distances with low loss. Thus the optical fibers are dielectric waveguides which transmit the optical signals or data through them with very low attenuation and very low dispersion . If we soliton laser pulses one can transmit the signals almost without any loss or dispersion. Thus one can achieve very high band width or high data rate using fiber optic cables. Now a days, we have dispersion free and dispersion compensation fibers.

Let us see the advantages of optical fiber communication over conventional communication system.

The information carrying capacity of a transmission system is directly proportional to the carrier frequency of the transmitted signals. The optical carrier frequency is in the range of 10^14 Hz while the radio frequency is about 10^6Hz and microwave frequency is about 10^10Hz. Thus the optical fibers have enormous transmission bandwidths and high data rate. Using wavelength division multiplexing operation, the data rate or information carrying capacity of optical fibers is enhanced to many orders of magnitude.

Due to the usage of ultra low loss fibers and the erbium doped silica fibers as optical amplifiers, one can achieve almost loss less transmission. Hence for long distance communication fibers of 0.002 dB/Km are used. Thus the repeater spacing is more than 100Km.

Since optical fibers are dielectric wave guides, they are free from any electromagnetic interface (EMI) and radio frequency interface(RFI). Since optical interference among different fibers is not possible, cross talk is negligible even many fibers are cabled together.

Optical fibers are made from silica which is an electrical insulator. Therefore they do not pick up any electromagnetic wave or any high current lightening. It is also suitable in explosive environment .


The size of the fiber ranges from 10um to 50um which is very very small. the space occupied by the fiber cable is negligibly small compared to conventional electrical cables. Optical fibers are light in weight. These advantages make them to use in aircrafts and satellites more effectively.

The transmitted signal through the fiber does not radiate. Unlike in copper cables, a transmitted signal cannot be drawn from a fiber without tampering it. Thus , optical fiber communication provides 100% signal security.


The fiber cable can be easily bend or twisted without damaging it. Further the fiber cables are superior than the copper cables in terms of handling, insulation, storage, transportation, maintenance, strength and durability .

Since the fibers are made of silica which is abundance. Hence, there is no shortage of material and optical fibers offer the potential for low cost communication.

The optical fibers are made from silicon glass which does not undergo any chemical reaction or corrosion. Its quality is not affected by external radiation. Further due to its negligible attenuation and dispersion,optical fiber communication has high reliability.

All the above factors also tend to reduce the expenditure on its maintenance.

This is all about optical fiber advantages.

Next time i will come back with another post.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why 800MHz?

Hi friends.Welcome to my new post . This time i came with a topic on Cellular mobiles

Now a days Mobile phone is common thing for every one.At least there is one mobile for every 50 peoples in our country. So we should learn about mobile communication and its frequencies.

Why people are going for these Cellular Mobile Phones, rather than using conventional mobile telephone systems ?
Because conventional mobiles have below limitations
  1. Limited Service Capability
  2. Poor service Performance
  3. Inefficient spectrum Utilization
Here Spectrum utilization plays important role in today's scenario ,as number of users increasing rapidly from day to day

So let us talk about Spectrum using in Cellular Communication
In Cellulars we are using 800MHz. there is a story behind this.Today i will tell you about that

We have FCC , Which is known to be as Federal Communication Commission.This FCC decides everything for cellulars.It Made a decision for using 800MHz in Cellular communication
The FCC's decision to choose 800MHz was made because of severe spectrum limitations at lower frequency bands.
FM broadcasting services operate in the vicinity of 100MHz.
The Telivision broadcasting service starts at 41MHz and extends up to 960MHz.

Air-to-ground systems use 118 to 136MHz;military aircraft use 225 to 400MHz.The maritime mobile service is located in the vicinity of 160MHz.Also fixed-station services are allocated portions of the 30 to 100-MHz band. Therefore, it was hard for FCC to allocate a spectrum in the lower portions of the 30- to 400-MHz band since the spectrum in the lower portions of the 30- to 400-MHz band since the services of this band had become so crowded. On the other hand, mobile radio transmission cannot be applied at 10GHz or above because severe propagation path loss, multipath fading, and rain activity make the medium improper for mobile communications.

Fortunately, 800 MHz was originally assigned to educational TV channels. Cable TV service became a big Factor in the mid-70s and shared the load of providing TV channels. This situation opened up the 800-MHz band to some extent, and the FCC allocated a 40-MHz system at 800 MHz to mobile radio cellular systems.
Although 800 MHz is not the ideal transmission medium for mobile radio, it has been demonistrated that cellular mobile radio system that does not go beyond this frequency band can be deployes. Needless to say, the medium of trasmitting an 800-MHz signal, although it is workable, is already very difficult.

Recovery of Bio mass

hi friends Here i came with new topic .This topic is on Biomass
Today our environment is getting polluted by human activities. Today in the world for every 1000 people there are 10-20 machines which uses petrol or diesel like cars, bikes,generators, and so on.... By using this we are polluting the environment. One remedy for this id use of Bio-gas products like biomass.these products can't pollute the environment. So we should encourage everyone using these products. so today i would like to share recovery of biomass in the future and these are also renewable energies .

In developed countries like USA ,Canada,Russia it is difficult for an agriculturist to decide how to best use his land.If the object is to use the land in the best ecological way possible, a slow down cycling of the biomass will be recommended in the first place. The agriculturist should decide to do silviculture. For example, wood can be used to build houses. After the house has been deconstructed, the quality of the wood is still good enough to serve as material for wardrobes or rail tracks and then to make boxes or art works. Only after such a long cycle should the wood be combusted. If the object is to use the land in the best economic way possible, the financial aid of governmental institutions will be particularly considered. Depending on the institutional programs, it may well be most profi table to cultivate energy plants to produce biodiesel or ethanol. But maybe it will be most effi cient even to have the agricultural area lying idle, as the government may have assigned higher financial benefits to it as if it was used to cultivate, e.g., food plants.

If the agricultural area is to be used to maximize the yield of renewable energy, a combination of different technologies will be most efficient, e.g., wind turbines installed to generate electricity, with photovoltaic cells underneath and the cultivation of grass or energy - affording plants at an even lower cultivation of two different energy - affording plants in sequence is most profi table.
If liquid manure is available, the biomass is recommended to be fermented in a biogas plant; otherwise it is to be combusted. If the yield of fuel is to be maximized, it is recommended that starch - based plants rather than fat - containing plants should be cultivated to minimize the loss
of energy during transformation processes.Biomass in general will achieve much greater importance as a primary carrier for energy supply in the near future. This will lead to signifi cant changes in the personal habits of people and in the agricultural cultivation methods applied today. Humankind is almost forced to face those changes given the fact that resources of fossil energy carriers are running short. It may be possible in the remote future to meet the energy demand by using biomass only.

It is highly critical that the developed markets should adjust to the required changes as quickly as possible. The emerging markets, in contrast, should not imitate the developed markets, but must take different approaches immediately to recover and secure the supply of energy.

This is all about recovering of Biomass for future purposes

Stay online i will be back with another topic

Secrets of success

Hi every one ,Today i came with a new post . It is on Success Secrets. Everyone tries to succeed in their fields. but only some of them them will be succeed. And some of them will be failed. Its natural. Then What is the different between those two kind of people???
Today I am going to share you my opinion that.
Main difference between them is WILL POWER and PATIENCE .

I think that, there is no replacement for strong will, determination and a vision of success to succeed. The above qualities are must and should to succeed.The attitude is not required merely when it comes to studies but coming to life it is essential. One must a fixed target and goal and should work consistently to achieve it, you cannot have pipe dreams of success and expect to attain it. Success is moulded in the mind and takes concrete form as achievement later. Another one is WILLPOWER and it is the endurance and PATIENCE to bear with failure. The best example of determination and patience that one can possibly cite is that of King Bruce, I think we knew about him. We studied in our childhood. I lost virtually everything in war was inspired to regain his lost wealth by a spider. Here one point we must note . What it is We have all kind of people around us , and no one is perfect. So we should learn good qualities , not bad ones. That king inspired by a small creature spider . It doesn't matter about the people's personal assets .They may be black ,white tall or short . We do not think about it. We should see good qualities from them
Another one is We should try continuously to achieve any thing. We need to have PATIENCE . We have a proverb also "TRY AND TRY UNTIL YOU SUCCEED " Some one may laugh at our failures.Wee can not bother about them. and wee can't loose our hopes and patience. We should try more and more .Then one day we will succeed. Then those who laughed at us , will be silent.

IF you follow this you will be succeed.
Hope you enjoyed this post .
I will be back with another interest and impotent topic.By ffor now.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Water Pollution and conrolling pollution

Water pollution and Preventative Measures

Now a days Environment changing rapidly and causing unwanted problems to Humans. We all know the cause for this changes i.e.,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION

First Let me share what is "ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION".

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION refers to all the ways and means by which the environment or surroundings are polluted by human activites .The major types of Pollutions are
  • Water pollution
  • Air Pollution
  • Land(soil) Pollution
  • Marine Pollution
  • Noise Pollution
  • Thermal Pollution
  • Radioactive Pollution
First let us talk about Water pollution

Water Pollution:

About 3/4th of the earth's surface is covered by Water.The oceans and the seas contain about 97% of total water available on Earth and remaining 3% is Fresh Water.

So WE have only 3% of fresh water to use all over the world for 6,785,574,656 People.
We are polluting This 3% of water with our activities.

Polluting the water leads to its contamination and gives rise to various water borne diseases. Hence , the consequences of water pollution leads to the following.
  1. E tend to loose the number of working days as we fall all.
  2. Missed educational opportunities due to ill health.
  3. The expenses on the health care increases.
  4. Draining of family resources.

In order to lead a healthy life, we must take proper precautions in disinfecting the city water.
The various ways by which we can control water Pollution are
  • Safe disposal of human excreta.
  • paints, hazardous wastes and motor oils should not be discarded down the drain, as they migrate to the water source thereby contaminating it.
  • A non phosphate or low phosphate detergent may be used to wash clothes as the high phosphate content in lakes and streams endanger the lives of fish and wildlife.
  • Plastic bags should not be dumped into water bodies, as the aquatic animals consumes it, which leads to their death.
  • Water supplied to cities for drinking should be disinfected properly.
  • The effluent wastes should be released into water after pretreating it. The treated effluent can be used for gardening purpose.
  • Usage of root zone method helps to control Water Pollution. In this process, the contaminated water run through the root zones of specially designed reed beds. The reeds function by absorbing oxygen and creates a condition for throwing of various microorganisms. These microorganisms purifies the contaminated water.
  • Treatment of sewage prevents Water Pollution.
  • Avoid excess use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides as it leads to Water Pollution. Thus, bio-gas fertilizers and bio-pesticides should be used in agriculture.
  • Recycling of waster materials help to minimize Water Pollution.
  • Installation of sewage treatment plants help to minimize Water pollution.
  • The Pollution control system designed and developed at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) combines both water and air Pollution control into one system. This can be implemented in all the developing countries to control Water Pollution.
By taking these precautionary methods we can control Water Pollution . Please all of you at least follow some of points mentioned above to control Water Pollution .

Hope enjoyed this Post. I will come soon with another post...............

Friday, September 18, 2009

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

Business Process Outsourcing(BPO) is the contracting of a specific business task,such as payroll, to a third-party service provider . Usually, BPO is implemented as a cost-saving measure for tasks that a company requires but does not depend upon to maintain its position in the marketplace. BPO is often divided into two categories: back office outsourcing includes internal business functions such as billing or purchasing, and front office outsourcing, which includes customer-related services such as marketing or tech support.

BPO that is contracted outside a company's own country is sometimes called offshore outsourcing. BPO that is contracted to a company's neighboring country is sometimes called nearshore outsourcing, ans BPO that is contracted within the company's own country is sometimes called onshore outsourcing.

The most common example of BPO are call centers, human resources, accounting and payroll outsourcing.

Use of a BPO as opposed to an Application service Provider(ASP) usually also means that a certain amount of a risk is transferred to a company that is running the process elements on behalf of the outsourcer. BPO includes the software, the process management, and the people to operate the service , while a typical ASP model includes only the provision of access to functionalities and features provided or 'served up' through the use of soft wares, usually via web browser to the customer. BPO is a part of the Outsourcing Industry. It is dependent on Information Technology, hence it is also referred to as Information Technology Enabled Services or ITES. Knowledge Process Outsourcing , or Legal Process Outsourcing are some of the sub sets of Business Process Outsourcing.

Human Resource Manager is the man..

Requirements for a successful Human Resource Manager:

Human Resource Manager Plays an important role in the development and growth of any organization.We can analyze the need of a Human Resource Manager by seeing the following functions undertaken by him in any organization.

  • Training the employees for the job which may be new to them.
  • Placing the right person on the right job.
  • Developing the individual to realize his potential as an individual to a maximum extent.
  • Developing the capabilities of the individuals to perform his present job better.
  • Developing and maintaining high motivation level of employees.
  • Appraising the individuals performance.
  • Selecting and recruiting new employees in the organization.
  • Strengthening superior-subordinate relationship.
  • strengthening team spirit among different teams.
  • Training and developing managers.
  • Promoting inter-team collaboration.
  • Promoting healthy relationship among the individual employees of the organization.
  • Dealing with the issues related to promotion,demotion and transfer of employees.
  • Managing wages and salaries.
  • planning labour needs.

By observing the above roles of Human Resources Manager in any organization , we can say that his job is related to the human resource needs of the organization and without efficient and effective human resources no organization can service.

Therefore, We can say that Human Resource Manager is essential for the development and growth of any organization.



We know that in every Organization there is a Management department. And this will take care of the Organization.so..

What is Management ????

Management have several definitions ,these definitions were given by several management experts. We will see Three of them.

"Management is the art of knowing what you want to do in the best and cheapest way"---F.W.Taylor

"Management is the art and science of decision making and leadership"--RC.Davis

"Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups"---Harold Koontz

So Management can be simply defined as " as the process by which managers in an organization get things done through the efforts of other people in grouped activities ".

Here comes manager, He has the key role in any organization and he is backbone of any Organization...
So now we see What he does and his role in Organization

Functions of Manager :

These are the functions of Manager

1)Procurement and Maintenance of Adequate Work Force:
Interviewing , selecting and recruiting personnel that are necessary for organization.Taking tests from time to time,inducting and orienting the employees.

2) Follow up:
Follow up of new employees for adjustment with the present ones.Merit rating,promotion,transfer and discharge of employees also comes under this function
3)Maintaining Records:
Appropriate maintenance of employees record and statistics and present them to appropriate authorities whenever asked for.

4)Education of Present Employees:
Giving job instructions and apprentice training and economic education for the present employees and proving them with general industrial education.

5) Training plans:
Preparing training plans for the present employees.The plans include Operative training,supervisory training,executive training and preparing of training materials and audiovisual ads.Providing reading rooms and libraries to the employees.

6)Maintaining Satisfactory Employee Relationship:
The personnel manager should maintain satisfactory personnel contacts with the employees.He has to prepare known audit and conduct labour market surveys.Appropriate handling of employee grievances is also a part of his job.

7) Maintaining Satisfactory Group Relationship:
The Manager should maintain satisfactory relationship with the employees and employees representatives and government agencies by contacting them frequently

8)Maintaining Employees Health:
Checking of the health standards,sanitation control and conducting physical examination of the employees.Treatment of employees for their minor injuries and diseases.Keeping a check on the personnel hygiene and health education

9)Maintaining Employees Safety:
Maintaining safety standards,safety guards and inspection of safety equipments,Implementing safety contests in the Organization.Checking of fire protection equipments, investigation regarding the accidents and compensating the workers for their injuries.

10)Maintaining Employees Services Activities:
Maintaining employees welfare activities by starting credit unions, implementing savings and investment plans, providing group insurance,profit sharing,pension and legal assistance to the employees

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