Water Pollution and conrolling pollution
Water pollution and Preventative Measures
Now a days Environment changing rapidly and causing unwanted problems to Humans. We all know the cause for this changes i.e.,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION .
Now a days Environment changing rapidly and causing unwanted problems to Humans. We all know the cause for this changes i.e.,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION .
First Let me share what is "ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION".
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION refers to all the ways and means by which the environment or surroundings are polluted by human activites .The major types of Pollutions are
- Water pollution
- Air Pollution
- Land(soil) Pollution
- Marine Pollution
- Noise Pollution
- Thermal Pollution
- Radioactive Pollution
Water Pollution:
About 3/4th of the earth's surface is covered by Water.The oceans and the seas contain about 97% of total water available on Earth and remaining 3% is Fresh Water.
So WE have only 3% of fresh water to use all over the world for 6,785,574,656 People.
We are polluting This 3% of water with our activities.
We are polluting This 3% of water with our activities.
Polluting the water leads to its contamination and gives rise to various water borne diseases. Hence , the consequences of water pollution leads to the following.
- E tend to loose the number of working days as we fall all.
- Missed educational opportunities due to ill health.
- The expenses on the health care increases.
- Draining of family resources.
In order to lead a healthy life, we must take proper precautions in disinfecting the city water.
The various ways by which we can control water Pollution are- Safe disposal of human excreta.
- paints, hazardous wastes and motor oils should not be discarded down the drain, as they migrate to the water source thereby contaminating it.
- A non phosphate or low phosphate detergent may be used to wash clothes as the high phosphate content in lakes and streams endanger the lives of fish and wildlife.
- Plastic bags should not be dumped into water bodies, as the aquatic animals consumes it, which leads to their death.
- Water supplied to cities for drinking should be disinfected properly.
- The effluent wastes should be released into water after pretreating it. The treated effluent can be used for gardening purpose.
- Usage of root zone method helps to control Water Pollution. In this process, the contaminated water run through the root zones of specially designed reed beds. The reeds function by absorbing oxygen and creates a condition for throwing of various microorganisms. These microorganisms purifies the contaminated water.
- Treatment of sewage prevents Water Pollution.
- Avoid excess use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides as it leads to Water Pollution. Thus, bio-gas fertilizers and bio-pesticides should be used in agriculture.
- Recycling of waster materials help to minimize Water Pollution.
- Installation of sewage treatment plants help to minimize Water pollution.
- The Pollution control system designed and developed at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) combines both water and air Pollution control into one system. This can be implemented in all the developing countries to control Water Pollution.
By taking these precautionary methods we can control Water Pollution . Please all of you at least follow some of points mentioned above to control Water Pollution .
Hope enjoyed this Post. I will come soon with another post...............
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