Optical fiber communication advantages
Today i cam e with a little bit old communication technology.
Now a days Wireless communication became popular .Because there is one important advantage i.e no need of wires.
But before this technology We have one communication technology which is easier to perform and cheap to establish. That is none other than OPTICAL COMMUNICATION.
In This communication main element is Glass(optics) which is known as fiber .This is very thin as much as our hair and very chep because glass is made up of silica ( sand).

In the present time, we have ultra low loss fibers(0.001 dB/Km) so that the optical signals can be transmitted through the fiber over a very long distances with low loss. Thus the optical fibers are dielectric waveguides which transmit the optical signals or data through them with very low attenuation and very low dispersion . If we soliton laser pulses one can transmit the signals almost without any loss or dispersion. Thus one can achieve very high band width or high data rate using fiber optic cables. Now a days, we have dispersion free and dispersion compensation fibers.
Let us see the advantages of optical fiber communication over conventional communication system.
The information carrying capacity of a transmission system is directly proportional to the carrier frequency of the transmitted signals. The optical carrier frequency is in the range of 10^14 Hz while the radio frequency is about 10^6Hz and microwave frequency is about 10^10Hz. Thus the optical fibers have enormous transmission bandwidths and high data rate. Using wavelength division multiplexing operation, the data rate or information carrying capacity of optical fibers is enhanced to many orders of magnitude.
The information carrying capacity of a transmission system is directly proportional to the carrier frequency of the transmitted signals. The optical carrier frequency is in the range of 10^14 Hz while the radio frequency is about 10^6Hz and microwave frequency is about 10^10Hz. Thus the optical fibers have enormous transmission bandwidths and high data rate. Using wavelength division multiplexing operation, the data rate or information carrying capacity of optical fibers is enhanced to many orders of magnitude.
Due to the usage of ultra low loss fibers and the erbium doped silica fibers as optical amplifiers, one can achieve almost loss less transmission. Hence for long distance communication fibers of 0.002 dB/Km are used. Thus the repeater spacing is more than 100Km.
3.IMMUNITY TO CROSS TALK : Since optical fibers are dielectric wave guides, they are free from any electromagnetic interface (EMI) and radio frequency interface(RFI). Since optical interference among different fibers is not possible, cross talk is negligible even many fibers are cabled together.
4.ELECTRICAL ISOLATION: Optical fibers are made from silica which is an electrical insulator. Therefore they do not pick up any electromagnetic wave or any high current lightening. It is also suitable in explosive environment .
The size of the fiber ranges from 10um to 50um which is very very small. the space occupied by the fiber cable is negligibly small compared to conventional electrical cables. Optical fibers are light in weight. These advantages make them to use in aircrafts and satellites more effectively.
6.SIGNAL SECURITY:The transmitted signal through the fiber does not radiate. Unlike in copper cables, a transmitted signal cannot be drawn from a fiber without tampering it. Thus , optical fiber communication provides 100% signal security.
The fiber cable can be easily bend or twisted without damaging it. Further the fiber cables are superior than the copper cables in terms of handling, insulation, storage, transportation, maintenance, strength and durability .
8.LOW COST AND AVAILABILITY:Since the fibers are made of silica which is abundance. Hence, there is no shortage of material and optical fibers offer the potential for low cost communication.
The optical fibers are made from silicon glass which does not undergo any chemical reaction or corrosion. Its quality is not affected by external radiation. Further due to its negligible attenuation and dispersion,optical fiber communication has high reliability.
All the above factors also tend to reduce the expenditure on its maintenance.
This is all about optical fiber advantages.
Next time i will come back with another post.
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